Lips like sugar, sugar kisses.

15 January 2013

Jumper | H&M
Skirt | Primark

Lately I've just been dressing in a more comfortable style, I guess that always happens for me in the winter. I get cold easily so like to feel cosy with baggier jumpers. I bought this skirt in Primark the other day (my sister even bought the same one). It's such a lovely high-waisted fit and the material is very soft. Looking forward to pairing it with so many things in my wardrobe.

Tomorrow night I think I'll be going to see Gangster Squad and I can't wait! Last time I was this excited for a movie (i.e. to swoon over) was Lawless, and that movie was perfect. What impressive films have you watched recently?

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  1. You have convinced me to buy the dress from Primark in this pattern! The skirt looks lovely on you.


  2. Such a nice outfit! It looks so comfy :)x

  3. you are actually the cutest! love the pink x

  4. gorgeous outfit :) love the pink jumper!

  5. I love this! I'm currently melting in 30 degree heat, would love to be in jumper weather pleeease. I saw The Hobbit last night and it was pretty excellent! I want to see Gangster Squad mainly because I think Emma Stone is a HOT BABE.


  6. You look so cute, as per usual! That jumper is such a fun color!

    I'm desperate to see Gangster Squad! Let me know how it is! The best films that I've seen lately have been The Impossible and Django Unchained. They were actually two of my favorite films I have ever ever seen. I HIGHLY recommend seeing both of them!

    Ava Tallulah

  7. Lovely:) And it does look very comfortable as well!

    Have fun at the movies! My last one was a French film called Populaire, it was wonderful<3

  8. This outfit is gorgeous, love the colours and mix of textures.

    Let me know if Gangster Squad is any good, I'm hoping to see it soon!


  9. Being warm will always come over style for me. I try to do both but... man, I hate being cold. If you have jumpers in fantastic colors like that, though, I think you've got it made. (:

  10. Love the cozy outfit!! I've been all about them myself lately as well :)


  11. Lovely skirt! And i can't wait to see les miserables!


  12. Your jumper looks very cosy!

  13. I love that skirt, it doesn't look like primark at all! :) Gorgeous!
    LaceyLoves x


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