Majorca // Part One (& I'm Back!)

2 August 2014

Hey guys! So yes this will be a holiday post but first I have to say - after a whole month of not blogging it's nice to be back, I've missed it so much. Of course I was away for a week but then when I returned my beloved Macbook decided to die, so I had to wait to get it fixed. Anyway, I finally had the chance to edit my holiday photos so here is my first instalment for you all, I'll also have a post featuring my outfits up next. I hope you enjoy :)

We left really early on the Sunday morning to go get our flight from Edinburgh airport. I was feeling so nervous as I hadn't been on a plane for 7 years and I'm a little frightened of them (not to mention I feel travel sick easily). However, I popped a sickness pill and tuned into some music and really enjoyed the flight!

I didn't take many photos on our first afternoon/night as we were unpacking and then just wanted to relax and go out for some food. But the apartments we stayed in were so lovely! Opposite was the hotel (seen above) which we could use as well.

I really fell in love with our nightly walk along the promenade, it had the prettiest views.

That night after dinner (and a delicious sex on the beach cocktail, mmm) we got some ice cream at a really busy place towards the end of the promenade.

Obligatory beside-the-pool-cheesy-faces photo.

One evening we visited a restaurant called Tiberi which was a pretty little oriental styled place with yummy food. Mines probably doesn't look that appetising haha but I got a bowl of vegetable pasta, and then as we had to wait quite a bit we received this plate of cakes for free, they were amazing!

I loved that even at 11pm at night the whole place was still completely buzzing and the main square had little market stalls.

We headed back to the main square the next morning as they had their big weekly market on. There were plants, jewellery & toys galore, plus lots of yummy looking snacks.

I fell in love with those cute bee cuddly toys, and drooled over sweets I couldn't eat >.<

We eventually found a nice cafe in the shade and sat down for some lunch, this "cocomango" smoothie was delicious.

Then we took a walk further along the promenade, I feel like the rows of palm trees made it look slightly "LA".

Lots of little shops selling ice cream and enough alcohol to destroy many livers.

I picked up this little guy, in love!

Claire xo

Join the conversation!

  1. I adore Majorca, I've been four times and I love it more and more every time. It's so pretty - it looks like you had a fab holiday :)

    Gold Dust


    1. I definitely agree with you, we've been quite a few times as well. Thank you! :) x

  2. I've never been to Majorca but it looks amazing! The rows of palm trees and the view from the promenade look incredible. The market stalls look like so much fun as well - I always love a wander around the market when I'm away somewhere that has one (how adorable is that TY beanie?!).

    You also look so cute with really curly hair! It has to be said, I'm very jealous of how elegant you look being pale - I just look peely-wally!


    1. Aw you must go one day, it really is so pretty! Always have to have a little market wander for sure :) and I actually did buy the unicorn beanie haha. Thank you, that's a lovely compliment! I'll bet you look super elegant, we have to embrace the pale ^.^ x


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