A walk through the woods.

11 August 2015

Hey all!

I'm sorry for being the most infrequent blogger ever, I unintentionally took such a long break from posting on here. To be honest, I just lost all interest and wasn't in the right headspace for blogging at all. I hadn't even been shopping that much for clothes, something was clearly not right...ha.

But I feel more inspired again, in terms of fashion and just life in general. If I could give you a quick generic update this would be it - I passed my driving test (third time lucky!), lost two of my older boy rats and just a couple of weeks ago got two new babies (R.I.P. to my sweeties though), have fallen for the sweetest boy (he'll even sit and watch youtube vlogs/hauls with me, that's love), and have also started going to a yoga class. So all in all, not too much of interest but I thought it was worthwhile giving a slight update.

I've gotten back into my eBay obsession lately so expect some posts featuring bargains. Until then, enjoy some photos taken when I went to the forest with two of my best friends - just look at those wonderful jumping poses ;)

If you've taken the time to read this, thank you and I hope you're having a good week so far! Tonight I'm off to see Limmy (he's the best Scottish comedian ever), I can't wait.

Claire x

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  1. yay I'm glad you're back to blogging Claire! :) congrats on passing your driving test! x

    1. Aw thank you Kat! Glad I still have anyone checking here haha :) It certainly was a relief, thanks again! x

  2. Hello again, Claire! *waves* I'm happy to hear you're back in a more inspired place and enormous congratulations on passing your driving test!

    These photographs are so lovely - is it weird that I particularly like the one with all of the cows?! It's sometimes nice to get out and about in nature and explore somewhere new (and seeing animals is an added bonus!).


    1. Hey Charlene! Thank youuu, I'm definitely happy to be back :) And no not at all haha, I'm glad you like that photo, they were all posing for me. Yeah for sure! I need to get doing that more now that I can actually drive. Haha I'm like you, always squealing with happiness when I see any animals while out and about x


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