A mix of February & March moments.

2 April 2019

Exploring one of my favourite little areas in Scotland and seeing a baby moon.

Captured a beautiful sunset in town, I love my city so much.

Cut my hair back into a shorter fringe (yet again).

Sunny but chilly walks and cosy bowls of tofu ramen.

The boys went to stay with Stuart for a while - which ended up being a whole month! God I missed their pasta crunching and cute little hops around my room. 

Finding beautiful flowers as they emerge for spring, and enjoying the most delicious vegan chocolate peanut butter eggs.

Been enjoying those pancakes too much, wearing things I'd forgotten I owned, and watching lots of movies. Recent ones include - Halloween II, Room and Secretary.

Visited the museum again and this time ventured further than the animals section. My favourite things are the Mickey Mouse phone and the creepy lampshade with all the tiny heads/statues.

Did a wardrobe clear out and found these two cute little gems - first is an Asos dress I shortened, and the other is a vintage dress I got on Etsy years ago.

Until next time,
Claire x

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