Lust list 001.

7 July 2012

Hey lovelies! I've been wanting to start posts like this properly for a while, and as the ugly weather in Edinburgh isn't allowing for me to get nice outfit photos, I thought today would be the perfect time. Yes, I'm obsessed with anything featuring deer.

Also, I have added more items (all dresses yay!) to my shop, please have a look if you get the chance. Thank you, hope you'll all have a nice Saturday night. Mines is going to be very lazy as I'm not going anywhere. Movies and junk food here I come!

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  1. Oh wow that deer skirt! ^___^

    I'm looking forward to watching a movie tonight too! Hope I don't make myself exhuasted, need my rest more than ever tbh! -____-

    I've followed you from hither and tither on the internet haha finally commenting here! I was on livejournal (myluvlyusername)and I'm mostly on tumblr now (leoninesnow) =)

    1. i know :O:O don't think i'm going to be able to resist buying it. aww hope you got lots of rest then! which movie did you watch? that's so lovely you've followed me on different places, thanks for sticking with me! :)

    2. Well it's because you're jolly nice! =) I was going to watch 'Angel A' by Luc Besson but I didn't watch anything in the end! Did you watch anything good?

  2. I love your picks, especially that watch! x

    1. thanks! ahh i know, it's so dainty and pretty! x

  3. Lovely selection, you've chosen some right gems, especially those pumps. I love leopard print and am a little bit obsessed with studs at the moment, so they are basically the perfect pair of shoes! Also loving that rose gold watch, it's a pretty good substitute for the Michael Kors one everyone is obsessed with at the moment but the price is a zillion times better! Definitely a good find.
    Such pretty dresses, I am off to have a little look at your shop right now!
    Mel x

    1. thanks very much, glad you like everything! yesss they really are quite perfect aren't they? i agree, i was thinking that when i spotted it on asos, very lovely price for something similar! aw thank you, hope you'll find something you like some time :) x

  4. That lipstick looks gorgeous!

    1. isn't it?! it was limited edition but they've brought it back permanently now :)

  5. The mug looks great, I'm such a tea addict and it looks like a really good size aha :) the watch look really pretty too, I the shower gel sounds like it would smell amazing! I love posts like this, but they always make me want to spend all my money! xx

    Katharine from

    1. haha yay for tea addicts! forever getting excited at the sight of new pretty mugs :) yeah i think i'm going to end up spending all my money on this stuff, oh well :D xx

  6. bicycle nail art is too cute!! all those dresses are adorable, sorry the weather isn't too great that is a bummer :(


    1. ahhh i know, i squealed a little when i saw them! pfft i'm used to it by now, silly scotland...fancy sending over some sunshine? :)

  7. Great picks! i love the deer skirt that is so cute!! I'm your newest follower. Check out my new blog and follow back if you would like :)


    1. thank you! it really is adorable! thanks for following, i'll check yours out too :)

  8. Love the middle dress! Beautiful! Great blog x

  9. Loving your wishlist I have a rose gold watch on mine too xo


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