What Claire ate | 001.

5 April 2016

I've been making more of a conscious effort lately to not only eat healthier, but also to include more vegan foods/meals into my already vegetarian diet. It's actually crazy how much better you feel after even just a couple of days of focusing on what you put into your body. I do eat a fair amount of gluten free stuff as well because it can make me feel like the most bloated thing on earth even though I'm not officially intolerant. I'm not saying that I eat like this all of the time because believe me I do have my lazy days when the thought of even making a smoothie is just....no, but hopefully these little food snippets will give you some inspiration :)


So I made my first ever smoothie bowls and they were delicious! The green one is bananas, pineapple, unsweetened almond milk & some spirulina powder, and the pink one is bananas, blueberries, raspberries, unsweetened almond milk, some vanilla & maca powder. The granola I added on top of both is a yummy gluten free nut/raisin mix one. Also been adding chia seeds, I really want to try out a chia seed pudding some time soon. The middle breakfast was just some coconut soya yoghurt with the granola and some kiwi. 


The wrap I discovered in Sainsburys is so yummy. It's nice to be out and about and not feel guilty about the snack you've picked up. The Bounce ball tastes like cookie dough, and the tomato corn rolls are amazing. They're basically tortillas rolled up and I found them so addictive. Lastly, a sandwich with some of my favourite things - gluten free quorn chicken, spinach & tomato. 


Yes, I like broccoli. And yes I do chuck quorn into most of my pasta/rice dishes haha. My favourite thing from all these dishes has to be sweet potato fries, mmm! I love making these and I could honestly eat about 3 bowls of them. The first dinner out is from when I went through to Glasgow with my boyfriend and we visited Stereo. I got tomato & vegan sausage gnocchi with garlic bread and salad, it was soooo good. The other meal is from Paradise Palms here in Edinburgh. It was the most delicious vegan hot dog ever! Featuring onion rings and rosemary fries on the side, ahh take me back now. 

That's it for my first food post, hopefully it was enjoyable but if you follow me on Instagram you're probably sick of seeing some of these photos haha. Right now I'm off to try some waffles at a vegan cafe with my sister, drooling at the thought! Hope you have a great day!

Claire xx

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  1. This look SO yummy, all of it! Also I'm so bloody hungry rn, haha! xoxo

    1. Hehe sorry! Glad you enjoyed this post :D xoxo

  2. kiwi breakfasts and sweet potato dinners are my absolute favourite! i am so hungry now after this post haha. i would be so happy if you did recipe posts for these :)

    xo Sarah


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