Scottish vegan festival | April '18.

21 May 2018

So the Scottish Vegan Festival was held in Edinburgh on April 21st but I still wanted to share my photos from the day - especially as there's lots of yummy food to feature.

At the event I got myself a burger from a company called Lazy Lettuce and it was so good! Stuart even went back to get another one ("chicken" this time). I then picked up three different cakes - a raspberry & white chocolate cupcake and a vanilla cupcake both from Naked Bakery, and a slice of mint chocolate oreo cake from Casa Angelina. I also bought myself a pretty rose quartz tree of life necklace. It's really difficult to go to these events and not buy everything haha.

It was such a lovely day so afterwards we headed to Musselburgh for a little walk, listened to the sea and chilled on the grass. Wasn't intending to match the flowers but I'm happy I did! I wore my Belle and Sebastian tee with a vintage leopard print skirt I recently found in a charity shop for about £3.

Claire x

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