The lagoons.

24 May 2019

Photos from another sunny day! Funnily enough this was the day of the Scottish vegan festival (we didn't go this time), and last year on this day we visited the lagoons afterwards...strange little coincidence. 

It's never overly busy here, it almost feels like a secret space...definitely the perfect spot for a picnic without all the craziness of the meadows. Plus you've got it all - a beautiful lake, grassy areas, seafront walk. Also there are usually lots of dogs around which is always a bonus.

BUT...and I say this in capitals because it's are in for the bumpiest ride EVER to get to the main car park. There are potholes everywhere haha. If you have a travel sensitive stomach like me just be sure not to eat right before. Worth it once you get there of course ;)

Claire x

~ Outfit details: Top - H&M (old), Skirt - Primark (old), Trainers - Converse (second hand), Necklace - Orelia (old) ~

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